
You should take care when jointing as it affects both the density and look of the wall. You can choose to limit the work to just jointing or finish the entire wall surface. You can do the job with just Universal Filler but we recommend to use both Joint Filler and Jointing Tape as this will give you a better finish. Joint Filler will attach the Jointing Tape firmly to the joint and prevents cracks. The wall will always experience natural movement with time and the surface will experience tremors even when you are closing a door. All of these little effects will cause cracking in the joints if you do not use Joint Tape. 

The steps of jointing

  1. Spread the filler to the joint, to the height of the groove in drywalls. The surface must be clean and grease-free. 
  2. Press the Jointing Tape to the fresh filler. Start from top and work your way down to make the task easier. Cut the tape to the correct length. Press and slide the trowel all the way on top of the tape, so that the tape will immerse in the filler. 
  3. Spread filler over the joint again and finish with a trowel. Ready-made-fillers shrink somewhat when they dry but spreading too much on top will end with you sanding the excess. Spread the filler nearly to the level of the wall surface. 
  4. Allow the surface to dry and sand the filled area. Finish the surface with Finishing Filler to get the best end-result before painting. You get the best results when you spread filler over the entire surface of the wall. 

RK Jointing Tape

The tape is PRO technology (Punched, Roughed, Optimised), which means you get even better use experience and end result. 

RK Corner Tape

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